Year |
Compulsory Subject |
Optional Subject / Group |
B.Sc. I |
English, Marathi |
Mathematics, Physics, & Chemistry |
Mathematics, Electronics & Physics |
Mathematics, Computer Science & Physics |
Computer Science, Electronics & Physics |
Botany, Chemistry & Zoology |
B.Sc. II |
Environmental Studies |
Same as per B.Sc. Part I |
B.Sc. III |
— |
Same as per B.Sc. Part II |
Year |
Subjects / Group |
B.COM. I |
1) English |
2) Marathi / Hindi |
3) Business Economics |
4) Financial Accounting |
5) Principals of Business Management |
6) Computer Fundamental & Operating Systems |
1) English |
2) Marathi / Hindi |
3) Money & Financial System |
4) Corporate Accounting |
5) Business Mathematics & Statistics |
6) Information Technology & Business Data Processing |
7) Income Tax & Auditing |
8) Environmental Studies |
1) English |
2) Marathi / Hindi |
3) Business Environment |
4) Cost & Management A/c. |
5) Business Regulatory Frame work & Company Law |
6) Internet & World Wide Web |
7) Essential of E- |
Year |
Compulsory Subject |
Subjects Group |
B.A. I |
English, Marathi or Hindi |
Economics, History, Political Science |
Economics, History, Marathi Literature |
Economics, History, Hindi Literature |
Political Science, Music, Marathi Literature |
Political Science, Philosophy, Hindi Literature |
Political Science, History, English Literature |
B.A. II |
Environmental Studies |
Same as per B.A. Part I |
B.A. III |
— |
Same as per B.A. Part II |
Vision and Mission |
About Society |
Governing Body |
About College |
Junior - XI, XII Admission |
UG - Admission |
PG Admission |
Ph.D. - Admissioin |
Fee Structure |
Propectus |
Departments |
(POs, PSO & COs) |
Academic Calendar |
Arts Faculty |
Commerce Faculty |
Science Faculty |
Library Profile |
Physical Education |
Economics |
English |
Hindi |
History |
Music |
Marathi |
Poltical Science |
Commerce |
Botany Department |
Chemistry Department |
Computer Science |
Electronics |
Mathematics |
Physics |
Zoology |
Infrastructure |
Best Practices |
Others |
Feedback Form |
Feedback Report |
About IQAC |
IQAC Cell |
IQAC - Meeting Minutes |
NAAC / IQAC - File Uploads |
SSS - Student Satisfaction Survey |