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Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s

Amolakchand Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal

Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati | Re-accredited by NAAC Grade B  

Since 1956

S. N

Name of activity/committee

Name of professors in charge


Academic Monitoring Execution & Evaluation Committee (Academic Audit)

Shri P.C.Raja

Shri S.N.Bhosale

Dr. P.S.Gudadhe

Shri S.N.Bhatkar


Council of   HOD

Ms. P.K. Nagrale


College council

Dr. P.S. Gudadhe


Garden  (nature- science) club

Dr. S.S.Jadhav


Corpus fund

Shri K.S.Giradkar


Credit society

Shri. A. V. Giri


Consumer society

Shri D.S.Chavhan


NCC Unit

Shri A.D. Chincholkar


Internal   Quality Assurance Cell

Dr. R.A. Mishra (Principal)

Dr. A.B. Lad ( Coordinator)

Shri A.U. Ganar ( Teacher)

Shri R.B. Patil ( Teacher)

Dr. V.R. Vishwarupe ( Teacher)

Shri P.R. Bhagat ( Teacher)

Dr. P.P. Joshi ( Teacher)

Dr. P.S. Gudadhe ( Teacher)

Shri G.R. Khanderao ( Teacher)

Shri B.K. Akkawar ( Office Staff)

Shri P.K. Kate ( Office Staff)

Shri A.M. Karlekar ( Supporting Staff )

Shri U.J. Rathod ( Supporting Staff )

Vikram Rathod (Student)

Ms. J.S. Dagwar (Student)

Shri Prakash D. Chopda (Management Representative)

Shri  Kirti D. Gandhi (Management Representative)

Shri  Devkisan M. Sharma (Management Representative)

Shri V.S. Vispute (Alumni Member)

Shri Paresh Lathiwala (Alumni Member)

Shri Anil Mangulkar (Community Representative)

Shri  Gopal Borale (Community Representative)

Shri A.P. Kawale (Employees/ Industrialist )

Shri Subhashji Agrawal  (Employees/ Industrialist )

Dr. A.W. Kolhatkar (External Experts)

Shri S.T. Sangle (External Experts)


Admission committee

Shri A. P. Kawale

Arts Faculty: Dr. R.S. Jadhao

BA I: Ms. P.K. Nagrale

          Ms. S.S. Lanjewar

BA II & BA III: Shri S.N. Bhatkar

                Ms. M.R. Singh

Commerce Faculty:  Ms. D.B. Prabodhankar

BCom I: Shri N.B. Rathod

BCom II & III: Shri N.V. Mete

Science Faculty: Shri R. B. Patil

BSc I:  Shri D.S. Chavhan

    Dr. P.P. Joshi

BSc II & III: Ms. M.W. Bhade

                    Ms. S.R. Kumbhare

PG Diploma Courses in Management and Taxation :

Shri U.J. Rathod

All HOD’s for PG courses


Students council formation committee ( and its related activities)

Shri D.S. Chavhan


College time table committee

Shri A.U. Ganar,

Dr. A.B. Lad,

Ms. D.B. Prabodhankar

Shri A.P. Fulzele,


Guardian teachers committee

Dr. P.N. Mulkalwar

Bsc- I  Math- Dr N.N. Puranik,
                    Dr. T.P. Chavhan

Bsc - I  Computer- Shri P.R. Bhagat

Bsc - I Electronics- Shri A.P.Kawale

Bsc - I  Biology -  Dr. S.S. GUPTA

Bsc - II Math -  Ms. M.W. Bhade

Bsc - II Computer - Shri P.C. Raja

Bsc - II Electronics -  Dr. V.S. Kamavisdar

Bsc - II Biology - Dr. P.P.Joshi

Bsc - III Math -  Ms. S.R. Kumbhare

Bsc - III Computer & Electronics D.S. Chavhan

Bsc - III  Biology - Shri R.B. Patil

BA - I -   Ms. P.K. Nagrale, 

              Ms. A.S. Fulzele,&

           Ms. Meera Singh

BA - II -  Dr. R.B. Bhandwalkar,

          Shri S.N. Bhatkar, &

  Shri N.V. Mete

BA - III - Shri. G.R. Khanderao

Bcom - I - Dr. P.S. Gudadhe

Bcom - II -  Ms. D.B. Prabodhankar

Bcom - III - Shri N.B. Rathod

All the HOD’s for PG Courses


Research committee (schemes, research projects, remedial coaching, seminar, conference organization etc)

Dr. S. S. Gupta

Dr. R. B. Bhandwalkar

Dr. P.S. Gudadhe


Students attendance and performance appraisal committee

Dr. P.N. Mulkulwar

Same as Guardian Teachers Committee


College examination committee

Shri A.P. Fulzele

Dr. R.S. Jadhao

Shri A.M. Manwar

Shri S.N Bhosale

Ms. D.J. Mool

Shri N.B. Rathod


College magazine, wall magazine committee

Shri G. R. Khanderao

Dr. V.R. Vishwarupe

Shri K.Y. Butaley


Research culture promotion committee

Dr. K.S. Giradkar

Dr. R.H. Deshmukh

Dr. A.B. Lad

Dr. P.N. Mulkalwar

Dr. S.S. Jadhav

Dr. P.P. Joshi

Dr. S.S. Gupta

Dr. N.N. Puranik

Dr. R.B. Bhandwalkar

Dr. V.R. Vishwarupe

Dr.P.S. Gudadhe


X-stock verification committee

Dr. R.H. Deshmukh

Dr. P.N. Mulkalwar

Dr. V.S. Kamavisdar

Mr. K.S. Giradkar

Mr. A.U. Ganar

Mr. P.B. Ade

Dr. S.S. Jadhav

Dr. N.N. Puranik

Mr. A.P. Fulzele

Ms. P.K. Nagarale

Ms. D.B. Prabodhankar

Ms. S.S. Lanjewar

Dr. R.S. Jadhao

Mr. K.Y. Butaley

Ms. K.S. Kalnawat


Feed back   and result analysis committee

Dr. N.N. Puranik

Ms. S.R. Kumbhare

Ms. D.J. Mool

Ms. Meera Singh

Ms. P.K. Nagrale


Career and employment guidance, placement, competitive examination preparation committee

Shri D.S. Chavhan            

Dr. P.S. Gudadhe

Shri N.V.Mete

Shri G.R. Khanderao


NSS Unit

 Shri K.Y. Butaley


Cultural & sports Events (University youth festival, debate quiz etc)

Dr. R.H. Deshmukh

Mr. R.K. Ekbote

Ms. A.S. Fulzele

Mr. K.Y. Butley

Ms. K.S. Kalnawat

Mr. K.U. Tayade


Office automation committee

Dr. P.S. Gudadhe

Mr. P.R. Bhagat

Mr. U.J. Rathod

Mr. V.D. Joshi


Discipline committee

(Gutkha, tobacco, eve teasing, ranging prohibition, cycle stand, restriction on use of mobile etc on the college campus)

Dr. P.N. Mulkalwar

Dr. R.H. Deshmukh

Dr. K.S. Giradkar

Mr. A.U. Ganar

Mr. P.B. Ade

Dr. N.N. Puranik

Mr. A.P. Fulzele

Ms. P.K. Nagarale

Ms. D.J. Mool

Ms. K.S. Kalnawat


Students excursion tour committee

Mr. K.Y. Butaley

Mr. G.R. Khanderao

Mr. N.B. Rathod

Ms. S.S. Gupta

Ms. S.R. Kumbhare

Ms. M.W. Bhade


Girls common room committee

Ms. D.B.Prabodhankar

Ms. Meera Singh

Ms. S.S. Lanjewar

Ms. S.S. Gupta

Ms. S.R. Kumbhare

Ms. M.W. Bhade


Canteen committee

Mr. K.S. Giradkar

Mr. D.S. Chavhan

Mr. A.P. Kawale

Mr. K.U. Tayade


Grievance Redressal committee

Mr. K.S. Giradkar

Shri A.U. Ganar

Mr. D.S. Chavhan

Mr. N.B. Rathod

Ms. D.B. Prabodhankar

Mr. G.R. Khanderao

Mr. P.K. Kate

Mr. Kaustubh Mohadarkar

Ms. Pranjali Dande


UGC XII Plan/Planning Board

 Dr. R.A. Mishra

Dr. P.N. Mulkalwar

Dr. P.S. Gudadhe

Dr. R.B. Bhandwalkar

Ms. D.B. Prabodhankar

Mr. A.P. Kawale

Mr. P.C. Raja

Mr. B.K. Akkawar

Mr. N.R. Bhandari


Gymkhana Committee

 Ms. K.S.  Kalnawat

Mr. K.U. Tayade

Dr. P.N. Mulkalwar

Mr. S.N. Bhatkar

Mr. A.P. Fulzele


College Cleanness Committee

Mr. S.S. Jadhao,

Ms. K.S. Kalnawat

Mr. K.U. Tayade

And all the Guardian Teachers


Purchase Committee

Dr. R.A. Mishra

Dr. P.N. Mulkalwar

Mr. A.U. Ganar

Dr. S.S. Jadhav

Ms. D.B. Prabodhankar

Dr. R.H. Deshmukh


Library Committee

Mr. N.R. Bhandari

Dr. R.B. Bhandwalkar

Dr. V.R. Vishwarupe

Dr. T.P. Chavhan

Dr. S.S. Jadhav

Dr. S.S. Gupta

Mr. R.K. Ekbote

Mr. N.B. Rathod


Anti Ranging Committee

Dr. R.B. Bhandwalkar

Dr. V.R. Vishwarupe

Dr. T.P. Chavhan

Dr. N.N. Puranik

Ms. P.K. Nagrale


Grievance Redressal Cell for Women (Vishakha  Committee)

Dr. S.S. Gupta

Ms. D.B. Prabodhankar

Ms. V.P. Butale

MS. K.S. Kalnawat

Mr. U.J. Rathod

Ad. A.P. Darda (Lawyer)

Mr. G.R.Khanderao (Counselor)


Dress code committee

Dr. K.S. Giradkar

Mr. D.S. Chavhan

Ms. K.S. Kalnawat

Mr. Kaustubh Mohadarkar

Ms. Pranjali Dande


UGC Grants Utilization Committee

Dr. R.A. Mishra

Dr. P. P. Joshi

Dr. K.S. Giradkar

Dr. P.S. Gudadhe.


Right to Information Committee

Appellate Officer

CA. Prakashji Chopda

Secretary Vidya Prasarak Mandal

Contact Number: ……………………………

E-mail: ……………………………………………..

Public Information officer

Dr. Rammanohar A. Mishra


Contact Number: 9890047278

E-mail: mishrarammanohar@gmail.com


Assistant Information Officer

Mr. B.K. Akkawar

Head Clerk

Contact Number: 9921255310


Alumni Association of Amolakchand Mahavidyalaya

Shri. A. P. Kawale ( Professor In-charge)

College Committees

Committee list for academic / administrative /extension / extracurricular/co curricular activities with effect from —–––––––––– until further orders. [Last upd. …………………….]  - Under Construction - not updated